Monday, August 6

Dog Show Reminder

Reminder of the New Date for Dog Show

Following the flooding that led to the cancellation of the Dog Show in July, NCAR has now decided  that this years, Compaion Dog Show will be combined with the Pet Pamper Day on 23rd September 2012 at the rescue from 11am to 3pm

It promises to be a fantastic day so put it in your diary NOW! The various classes will be published later but I can promise something for everyone.

There will be a BBQ as well as many gift stalls, pet advice stalls cake stalls, and tombola's etc and so much more on the day,  so it will be a fabulous day out for all the family. So bring your lovely dogs along to a great day out. There will be many classes, with something for every dog. 

They need to make these keys bigger
Don't forget to put it in your diary now and keep an eye on the blog for more details.